Construction Work: Josée Dubeau, Lorraine Gilbert & Jinny Yu
Publication edited by CUAG (Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa)
Available at ABC Arts Books Canada
Although the three Canadian artists work in different media, this publication documents a shared passion for ideas of space, place, and the built environment. Working from Derrida’s notion of deconstruction, Halkes argues that an underlying longing for harmony can be found in Gilbert’s photographs, Yu’s wall paintings, and Dubeau’s constructions. Recognizing the constructivist impulse they share, she finds that they “have sifted through the rubble of Modernist and Romantic dreams to discover desires that remain undemolished; these they set into new constructions, where they can be re-examined for their utopian value.”
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Available at ABC Arts Books Canada
Although the three Canadian artists work in different media, this publication documents a shared passion for ideas of space, place, and the built environment. Working from Derrida’s notion of deconstruction, Halkes argues that an underlying longing for harmony can be found in Gilbert’s photographs, Yu’s wall paintings, and Dubeau’s constructions. Recognizing the constructivist impulse they share, she finds that they “have sifted through the rubble of Modernist and Romantic dreams to discover desires that remain undemolished; these they set into new constructions, where they can be re-examined for their utopian value.”
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Published in 2010
Curated by Sandra Dyck
Director: Diana Nemiroff
Exhibition: February 23 - April 12 2009
Author: Petra Halkes
Graphic Design: Studio Blackwell
Dimensions : 9 x 6 inch
110 pages
Curated by Sandra Dyck
Director: Diana Nemiroff
Exhibition: February 23 - April 12 2009
Author: Petra Halkes
Graphic Design: Studio Blackwell
Dimensions : 9 x 6 inch
110 pages